Constitutional & Governance
Helping you put others first
Clear-sighted, connected and compassionate, our charity team is consistently ranked among the top two legal advisers to charities in the UK. From establishment and governance to collaboration and compliance, we advise charities across the spectrum.
Strength on your side
We have a wealth of experience in the charity sector and we’re proud to count a former senior lawyer at the Charity Commission among our team. As well as advising on governance and constitutional issues, we also cover:
• Restructuring
• Permanent endowment
• Incorporation
• Trustee powers and duties
• Intellectual property
• Charity land
• Funding and fundraising
• Trading subsidiaries
For those starting up new charities, we can advise on charitable status and public benefit requirements. We also regularly help clients dealing with the Charity Commission and other regulatory authorities, from obtaining consents to handling formal inquiries.
Always up-to-date with the latest developments in charity and company law, we can review your governance reviews to ensure compliance and provide training specific to your trustees’ needs.