Corporate and Social Responsibility Statement

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At Wilsons, we adopt a pro-active and positive approach to conducting business in a manner which demonstrates a high degree of social responsibility while achieving sustainable growth for the business. Our values are Respect, Professionalism, Communication, and Positivity.

As a business we recognise the impact we have on the world around us and aim continuously to improve the service we offer to clients, and provide a positive, fulfilling and rewarding environment for our people. Where we practically can, we try to deal primarily with local suppliers and only those who have the same approach to corporate social responsibility as us, be a part of the local community and give something back and be aware of our impact on the environment and minimise the effects.

This statement outlines what we are currently doing.


In July 2023, we published the results of our Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) diversity survey. The results show nearly 75% of respondents to the survey were female, and that the workforce within the firm spanned a wide age range and educational backgrounds. We also strive to ensure that the traditions and beliefs of staff members are respected.

We offer flexible working, and a good proportion of staff work from home for part of their working week or work part-time. This also allows us to minimise unnecessary travel to reduce our carbon footprint by using technology.

We have a dedicated team of 11 Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) at various levels throughout the business. These individuals are available for staff members to contact for support and guidance. The MHFA team promote mental health awareness across the firm in a number of ways, including monthly mental health coffee mornings for all staff members and have plans to introduce a variety of wellbeing activities. Also available to all staff members is the Employee Assistance Programme to assist with personal matters, including counselling, finance, mental and physical health. We also have an open-door policy for staff members to raise concerns, ensuring a safe and productive workspace for all staff.

We have a Social Committee who put together social events throughout the year for all staff members and their families, encouraging a sociable and friendly atmosphere and giving staff from across the business the opportunity to spend time outside work with their colleagues and also meet and engage with colleagues from other teams and departments.

We have a keen emphasis on education. Staff at all levels are encouraged to develop their skills through supervision and support. Several staff members are also undertaking studies alongside work. We also facilitate several educational seminars and events throughout the year in specialist areas of practice for other professionals, hosted in house and externally.


From taking a 'paper light' approach to working, to our heating and automatic lighting systems being off or used minimally when the building and rooms are empty, and the cycle to work scheme for staff members, within our Salisbury office we have a variety of ways we are August 2024 working towards being more environmentally friendly. We also ensure that we protect the data we hold in a secure manner.

Throughout the building we have recycling points to encourage responsible disposal of recyclable materials. The business also disposes ethically of materials that would be hazardous to the environment.

The products we buy also have an emphasis on ethical sources. The paper we use is FSC approved, and where we can, we buy locally.

The business is also adopting the Planet Mark scheme, a certification program for sustainability. This is alongside looking to introduce a range of other initiatives to help reduce our environmental footprint such as solar power, LED lighting, and energy efficient technology.


We have a particularly active role in the Salisbury Business Improvement District (BID), a collective for city centre businesses to come together. The aim of the BID is to support projects and services across the city that enhance the business environment. Members of staff have active roles in the BID.

We have an active role in supporting local education. In our Salisbury office, we host a Year 12 work experience week in July, which students at local schools are invited to apply for. We also support local school enterprise weeks for younger students in June each year, inviting them into the office to give the students a work-based project which is then worked on and presented back to members of the Wilsons team. Staff members have also given talks at local schools about working in the legal field, further building a relationship with the local education network to inspire a new generation of lawyers. We participate in several university employment fairs, most recently attending Oxford, Exeter, and Southampton Universities with members of staff at various levels within the firm. Finally, we have recently attended the local Bishop Wordsworth School career fair for their Year 12 students.

Over the festive period, we were part of the city-wide 'City of Stars' Christmas campaign. During this time, we participated in charitable events; Christmas Jumper day in support of Save the Children; several teams participated in the Reverse Advent Calendar for Salisbury foodbank; and the annual 12 Days of Charity initiative, where staff members collaboratively select 12 charities the firm will support as an alternative to Christmas cards.

Charitable fundraising events also take place throughout the year, such as a quiz night, organised by the Social Committee, which last year raised money for Macmillan.

We also support a variety of local events through sponsorship. We proudly support the annual Chalke History Festival, as well as the Salisbury International Arts Festival and The Grange Festival. Wilsons are also partnered with Bishop Wordsworth School, sponsoring both sporting and music events. We also support other music events locally, such as The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust Concert and Salisbury Music Society. Charitable events such as Alabare's Big Sleep and the Salisbury Hospice Light up a Life service are events which we have sponsored previously.