Proof of Identification and Address

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Identity and Address Documents 

To proceed with your instructions we must verify your identity and address. Please provide us with a copy or photo of one government issued identity document (or two government issued non-photographic identity documents) AND an address document.

Identity documentsAddress documents
  • Passport
  • Photocard driving licence*
  • EEA Identity card
  • National Identity card (non-EEA)
  • Residence Permit (Home Office issued)
  • Firearms/Shotgun certificate
  • Photographic registration cards (self-employed individuals and partnerships in the construction industry)
  • Benefit book or original notification letter confirming the right to benefits
  • Tax bill/statement
  • Birth and/or Marriage certificate
  • Utility bill†
  • Bank statement†
  • Credit card statement†
  • Council tax bill
  • Mortgage statement†
  • Photocard driving licence*
  • Court document
  • Current lease
  • Solicitor's house purchase letter





*Photocard driving licence can be used for ID or address (not both)

†Must be less than 3 months old

These documents will need to be certified, this can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. bring the original documents with you when you meet with us in person;
  2. provide a copy or photograph of the original documents prior to a pre-arranged video meeting and have the originals available at that meeting; or
  3. arrange for a solicitor local to you to certify the documents and send these to us.

Where you are arranging for a local solicitor to certify your documents please ask them to use the following wording.

Photographic ID documents:

"I have seen the original document verifying identify and certify that this is a true copy of the original. The photograph bears a true likeness to the individual requesting certification."

Proof of address documents:

"I have seen the original of this document and certify that this is a true copy of the original."


January 2024