Good Practice, The Art of Divorce (Arts Industry)

13 December 2023

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Divorce in the arts world is a complex affair due to the nature of assets involved, which often have personal and emotional value. The division of these assets, including artworks that may fluctuate in popularity and value, can lead to disputes and expensive litigation.

Head of Family, Natasha Grande, has written an article for Arts Industry to provide tips for divorcing well in the arts world.

For artists, divorce can also impact their work choices and brand reputation. To mitigate these issues, prenuptial or postnuptial agreements are recommended. These agreements, increasingly influential in divorces, should detail the division of assets and financial provisions in case of a split. They should be signed with legal advice at least a month before marriage and reflect the couple's specific circumstances. Honest conversations about life goals, values, and family backgrounds before marriage can also help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts later on.

Read the full article here

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