Ann has been a solicitor for over 30 years and has been with Wilsons since 1999. She qualified as a solicitor in 1986 and previously worked in high street practice dealing with wills, trusts, probate and the administration of estates.

Since joining Wilsons she has specialised in Probate & Estates Administration both for individuals and charity clients. Her areas of interest and expertise include agricultural property, business interests, heritage property and estates with a cross border element.

Recent highlights

  • Dealing with substantial estate where a claim for conditional exemption has been made. The assets involved have been a mix of properties and chattels.
  • Acting for executors where the deceased was resident and/or domiciled abroad but has assets in the UK. This has involved various European countries, the USA and Africa.
  • Dealing with resealing Commonwealth grants of representation in England & Wales.

Ann is an experienced speaker and has spoken at the Dorset & Wiltshire Surveyors and Valuer's Annual Conference and the Institute of Legacy Managers annual seminar in 2016, Wilsons Agrilaw Seminar in 2017 and an ILM IHT seminar in 2018.

Ann is a member of The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the Law Society Private Client Section and the Gloucester & Wiltshire Law Society.

In her spare time Ann enjoys singing with a local choir and is a keen gardener.