Sam is a company secretarial assistant in our Corporate & Commercial team.  She joined the team in 2008, initially as an administrator.  She then became the team secretary in 2011, and in 2015 she was promoted to her current role of company secretarial assistant. Sam holds the CGIUKI (formally ICSA) Certificate in Company Secretarial Practice and Share Registration Practice and is an affiliated member of the CGIUKI (formally ICSA).

She provides many client companies, including schools and charities, with a company secretarial service, which includes assisting clients with their general compliance work and annual filings at Companies House. She further assists many client charities with their general compliance work and annual filings at the Charity Commission. She is also responsible for registering mortgages and charges at Companies House for the other teams within the firm.

In her spare time Sam enjoys going to the cinema, socialising with friends and watching her local rugby team.