Probate & Estate Administration
Always looking ahead
Funeral arrangements and preparing a will – to ensure our wishes are upheld – are topics all too easily avoided. However, if you can make some careful decisions now, you’ll be saving your loved ones considerable trouble and expense down the line.
Making sense of complexity
We have a national reputation when it comes to the administration of estates and our senior partner is described in Chambers UK as a leader in her field. We advise executors and administrators about their duties and deal with all aspects of the administration of estates, and have particular experience in dealing with:
- estates with agricultural and business interests, the availability of inheritance tax reliefs and negotiations with HM Revenue & Customs;
- estates with conditionally exempt property and/or chattels;
- estates with assets abroad;
- estates including complex intestacies;
- ad colligenda bona and s116 Senior Courts Act 1981 applications; and
- the administration of estates on behalf of charities.
We also prepare administration accounts and income tax returns on behalf of executors and administrators, and our partners regularly act as professional executors.
Our clients include individuals, land and business owners, foreign domiciliaries and charities.