
Wilsons is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors' Regulation Authority under Registration number 00466564.


Wilsons has qualifying professional indemnity insurance for the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 under a joint policy (number FINPL2350232) issued by Aviva Insurance Limited, AIG Europe Limited, and Starr International Europe Limited.

We are obliged to submit to the Alternative Disputes Resolution process operated by the Legal Ombudsman whose web address is

The European Union Online Dispute Resolution Regulation requires us to make available to all consumer clients who have entered their contract with us by electronic means the services of the EU's own online dispute resolution service which can be accessed at

Solicitors Accounts Rules - Rule 7
We are required by the Solicitors Accounts Rules to account to clients or third parties for a fair sum of interest on any client money held by us on their behalf.

We currently apply the following rates paid on a quarterly basis on the 5th January, 5th April, 5th July and 5th October:

Start AmountBalances toInterest Gross w/e 20/2/25

Payment of interest is always subject to the provision that we will not pay interest if the total annual interest accrued in any given tax year amounts to less than £75.

The policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and in particular when interest rates change.

Equality and Diversity Table
In accordance with SRA requirements Wilsons undertook a Diversity survey in July 2023 and the results are contained in the attached link.